Girl holding car keys

Missouri Driver License Practice Test

  • Great way to prepare for your REAL exam
  • Unlimited test attempts
  • Standard 100-question test

About the Missouri Driver License Practice Test

Driving instruction scene with teen driver and teacher in car

Whether you are a Missouri driver ed student or an adult studying for your first operator's permit, you need to know the material to pass your driver license exam.

While all of the questions on the Missouri driver license test come from the driver's handbook, it is impossible for most people to memorize all of the information in the handbook. So how can you be fully prepared for any question you might see on your driver license exam?

The answer is by taking a practice test. This way, you will become familiar with the typical questions asked on the real test.

  • 100 question standard test – The standard 100 question version of the test will provide you with excellent exposure to the types of questions that you will be asked on your driver license exam.
  • Unlimited testing – The 100-question practice test includes unlimited attempts. Study as much as you want to until you feel ready to go to the DMV and take your real driver license test.
  • Not available for motorcycle or CDL – Please note that the test being offered here is the standard version for non-commercial vehicles only (cars and trucks). This practice test will not prepare you for the motorcycle test or the commercial / CDL test for large vehicles (buses, semis, etc.).

Preparing for Behind the Wheel Testing

Studying for your Missouri driver license test should focus on three main areas: behind the wheel driving, driver handbook content, and the practice test. You can't learn everything you need to know from the practice test alone.

While you practice for your behind the wheel test, you are required to drive with a licensed driver in the front seat of the vehicle. Having an experienced driver on hand can minimize your risk of getting into a crash as the result of a simple mistake. Your driving "coach" can also answer questions on the spot and give you useful advice for many different types of traffic situations.

The Missouri Driver's Handbook

Make sure you have read the contents of the Missouri driver's handbook from cover to cover before you take your written road signs and road rules test. The handbook explains licensing procedures, Missouri's point system for traffic offenses, how to keep your license from becoming suspended, and other important facts that every driver should know.

Much of the handbook consists of pictures. You will see several different road signs, from construction signs to warning signs and regulatory signs. Be sure you know what all of the signs mean, as part of your test will require that you identify Missouri road signs.

The Missouri driver's handbook can be viewed online at

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