If you found this page, chances are you received a traffic ticket in Mono County and you are wondering what to do about it.
If you decide to contest your ticket, you will be at the mercy of the court. If you lose, you give up the time spent in court as well as the cost of the ticket and any applicable court fees. If you are fairly confident that you can beat your ticket, the risk might be worthwhile.
On the other hand, if you decide to go to traffic school, you already KNOW the outcome. Your ticket will be dismissed, your license will be clear of it, and you can get on with your life.
Sure, you might have to pay a little bit extra for traffic school, but it's much less than the cost of an attorney, and the money you can save in the long run is far more significant. After all, traffic school keeps points off your record, and we all know what extra points on your record can do to your insurance rate.
This question can be difficult to answer, and certainly everyone has different needs, but let's weight the pros and cons of each.
Driver Training Associates recommends online traffic school. Our partnership with I Drive Safely® allows us to offer one of California's finest Internet courses at a bargain price.
You can sign up for this course by clicking on the "register" button at the top of this page. Registration is easy and just takes a few minutes. You can log in and out of the course unlimited times and take as long as you need to complete, but please keep in mind that the court will impose a deadline for your course completion.
California Online Courses
$19.95 | California Traffic School |
$19.95 | Escuela de Trafico |
$44.95 | Driver Education |
$19.95 | Mature Driver Course |
$14.99 | Driver License Practice Test |
California Resources