The State of California permits teens to take this online California driver ed course when they are 15 years, 6 months old. This course is offered by Driver Training Associates in partnership with I Drive Safely®.
Instead of waiting for your California high school to get a driver's ed course, or sitting in a classroom for 30 hours, why not attend driver ed on the Internet? With DTA, it's easy!
By taking this convenient 30-hour driver ed home study program, you can learn the material at your own pace. If your schedule is as busy as most teens', with clubs, practices, and other important activities, you might be finding it hard to fit in your driver education requirement. We've got good news! The Internet driver education course is the perfect solution for your busy life.
With 3D animations, easy to read content, and unlimited logins and logouts, the Internet course is the fun, entertaining way to do driver ed. Remember more of what you study and retain it longer with this exciting new program.
California Driver Ed Online
California Online Courses
$19.95 | California Traffic School |
$19.95 | Escuela de Trafico |
$44.95 | Driver Education |
$19.95 | Mature Driver Course |
$14.99 | Driver License Practice Test |
California Resources